Credit repair


Florida law only allows one loan at a time

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 10/17/2013 - 12:32

I live in Florida. I currently have 5 online payday loans. After reading some posts I am finding out they are illegal? Florida law only allows 1 loan at a time. Are my pdl lenders illegal? I have no problem paying what I borrowed but the fees getting outrageous what can I do.
Mycashnow borrowed 700 owe 595. now
Ameriloan borrowed 400 owe 260
oneclickcash borrowed 400 owe 390
cash adv network borrowed 250 owe 325 borrowed 600 owe 500
What can I do please help so I never do this stupid stuff again. Thanks for any help

Who the heck this number is?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 10/17/2013 - 12:31

Does anyone know who the heck this number is ( #866-679-4046)? I have had several calls from them, but they leave NO information except that I need to call them immediately! Today they called my boss! Not real happy about that, so wanting to try go find out who they are so that I can request they quite calling!

Scared and donot know where to start?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 10/17/2013 - 12:30

I am in Pennsylvania and am in trouble with payday loans. I currently have 7. They are from:
Payday Loan Yes
Geneva Roth
United Cash Loans
Cash Supply
500 Fast Cash
I have been reading the forums and feel so relieved to know that this resource is available. But, i'm not sure where I need to start. I see that some have opted to close their accounts going into default. I am considering this, but am scared and don't really know where to start. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Willing to pay the loan, minus the interest

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/16/2013 - 12:13

I took out a loan with Green Picket/Northway financial. I've since closed my bank account. They started to call me, threatening wage garnishment, etc. I sent them a letter (text copied from this site, thank you!) telling them it was an illegal loan, I was revoking wage assignment, etc. I got an email stating they are in Malta and governed by their laws (I live in TX). They have waived the interest I owed on the loan. My question is this - can I tell them I am willing to pay the loan, minus the interest I have already paid? Is this one of those "doesn't hurt to ask" questions?

Is it necessary to send a revocation of wage assignment?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/16/2013 - 12:12

Why is it necessary to send a revocation of wage assignment to my employer if I already sent one to the pdl company? I am in Minnesota and all my loans were unlicensed so should I even be worried about not sending one to my employer? What if my employer wouldn't honor it?

Send an explicit letter to my employer

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/16/2013 - 12:07

I have been getting threatening calls from Zip19 Collectors known as ECare Solutions. They are refusing to accept 3 payments and state they are going to send an explicit letter to my employer. Is this true? I have already drafted a revocation of voluntary wage assignment, can anyone verify an address to send it to and any advice on how to deal with Ecare???

Send standard letter and revoke ACH

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/16/2013 - 12:05

I am almost 100% sure that 500FastCash is definitely illegal but I want to be certain before I send them the standard letter and revoke ACH. I've paid $360 toward a $400 loan and they want another payment of $120 + a final payment of $520. I want to pay the principal, but if they are illegal, no more than that. Thanks for any help

CRA errors SOL

Submitted by glenbwint on Tue, 10/15/2013 - 21:56

I am disabled haven't worked for at least 8 years. My mom died and I have a little money coming from trust account.

So I went to open a bank account with a small balance to see if anyone tries to garnish it. They gave me a copy of the credit report. Their are 2 large credit card debts, a utility bill and some medical items reporting negative. Looks like in all cases these debts have been resold and they use the sale date of debt on both the CC company or and CA, or sale date from CA to CA to keep items that must be at least 10 years old on the credit report.

send me anything in writing even though he has my address.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 10/10/2013 - 10:45

I have been receiving calls from a collector that state he is a legal officer with the collection company( this debt is for a payday loan). He said yesterday that he was going to put my name in the paper and send collection agents to my house! He would not send me anything in writing even though he has my address!! Is this legal? What can I do?