Credit repair


Anyone had success with asking Ameriloan for one?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/20/2013 - 12:37

I'm in NM. I have a $250 loan with ameriloan. $75 is finance charges, so I owe them a total of $325. I've paid them one payment of $75 so far and scheduled to make another $75 payment this Friday. My state allows extended repayment plans. I'm wondering if anyone out there has had success with asking them for one?

Who is responsible?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/20/2013 - 12:35

I have three loans currently outstanding and I live in Illinois
(1) Payday Max $300 PD $275
(2) Payday One $1000 $406 due per month for 8 months
(3) ameriloan $ 200 $60 due per month
My Net income per month is $1868. How do I find out if these lenders are legal in Illinois? Also who is responsible when the law in Illinois is a maximum of 2 loans at one time and a maximum of 1000 or 25% of my gross income? I want to work out a payment plan with these lenders but don't know my options.

How do I make this go away?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/20/2013 - 12:34

Here is my loan and Payment info:
247 Advances - $300 Loan (paid $518 so far)
US Fast Cash - $300 Loan (Paid $180 so far)
Ambassador Financial - $400 loan (paid $838.75 so far)
Impact cash - $300 loan ($396.26 so far)
ameriloan - $300 loan (paid $860 so far)
NLS Loans - $300 loan (paid $801 so far)
and that doesn't include the NSF charges at my bank when some of these were initially returned because of lack of funds at the time of the ACH....I live in New York state. Pretty terrible....How do I make this go away?

What kind of legal action can I expect?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/20/2013 - 12:33

Help, I sent in a list of pdls that I owe from the internet (signed in as jczplace12) and that I live in maryland , what does it mean to my pocketbook if the pdls are illegal in the state of md? What kind of legal action can I expect? I have already closed my bank account and the bank has not let them force it open, kudos to my bank. Thank you for your help and am glad to find I am not alone,got to tell you, I am quite scared right about now.

What would be the best way to go about doing this?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 12:10

I have two loans that i have not been able to make arrangements with. I live in Louisiana and want to know my state laws regarding this. I owe 350 to one and only about 150.0 principal to the other. The companies are ameriloan and Geneva Roth.. I had to close my account because i was over 500.00 overdrawn due to these outrageous debits...Any help would be appreciated I can pay off now but have no information on the companies and what would be the best way to go about doing this?

Are they allowed to remove from my credit report?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 12:09

Back in January of last year, I had an issue with Payday Yes and I received an email from them stating that my loan was paid in full. I didn't think anything more about it. I look at my credit report and see a collection from a collection agency. So I call the number and they tell me that they are collecting for Payday Yes. I explain to them that I have proof that the loan is paid in full and I faxed it to them. How do I make sure that this is removed from my credit report? Are they even allowed to do that?

Can they charge me with fraud if I close bank account??

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 12:07

I have 3 payday loans that are 2nd time loans with the first paid off at 250% plus. I am behind on bills and can't afford to pay them. I have only paid the rollover interest this time so far. I live in NJ and heard that they can only charge me 30% interest. If so I have paid both loans with the interest from the other. Also if I close the bank account can they charge me with fraud?

Could someone explain it to me in plain english?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 12:06

I currently have 8 payday loans outstanding. I live in NE. The loans are Eastside-650.00, Zipcash-500.00, Upfront-300.00, Payday cash line-300.00, NLS 325.00, VC funding 300.00, ACC-270.00, One Click Cash 350.00. I'm scared & embarrassed that I even got myself & my family into this situation. My husband & I make good money...but now it's all going toward these fees. I've read the laws that were posted on NE, however I don't understand what I'm reading. Anyway someone could explain it to me in plain english? Any help is appreciated!! These are all internet payday loans.

Can they take me to small claims court?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 12:04

I got a payday loan in Alabama about 5 months ago for $400. paid it off, then got another and another, then our house cought fire and we lost everything. I wasnt able to pay back the last payday loan I took out. They call me constantly saying they are going to take me to small claims court and get for fraud because its been 5 months and I closed out the bank account I used already. I do want to pay this loan but money is hard right now. I need a little time and they don't want to give me anymore. My question is can they take me to small claims court? How long does that take?