Credit repair


Could a person be sued and jailed for defrauding a financial

Submitted by prince76456 on Mon, 07/14/2014 - 21:37

Got contacted by a paralegal stating that I owed a cash advance (payday loan) place over $1100.00 and that if I didn't pay them $590.00 that I would be sued for over $2000.00 and could be jailed for defrauding a financial institution. This doesn't kosher to me. Funny thing about this is, the checking account that I had went into the red in 2005 and then the account went into 'limbo' where I could make deposits on what I owed the bank but not write checks or such. Are cash advance places even considered financial institutions in the state of Oklahoma?

What to do about finding the right debt collector?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 07/03/2014 - 18:43

I was checking my credit score online when I saw that my bill from charter communications when I lived in va was sent to a credit company. I called charter to get the phone number of the company the bill was sent to they gave me a different name. So I called the number they gave me. The company said they did not have that bill so I then called looked up the company I saw online and called them they said that they no longer had my bill. I have yet to receive a bill from charter or any of the credit companys since I moved I even did a change of address. I'm not sure what to do.

charge off/collection account in pennsylvania

Submitted by goddessscorpio on Mon, 06/30/2014 - 20:03

I had a credit card that was charged off may of 2010 and purchased by a debt collector in january 2011 in may of 2013 I received a summons from the JDC my lawyer answered the summons and it was to go into arbitration, I was told by my lawyer when I asked what now? was that we answer them and then we wait...and here it is several years later and i have heard nothing. The SOL has expired as it has been 4 years (PA) and the collection agency has listed on my credit report that i opened this "new account" with them the month and year they purchased the debt.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 06/30/2014 - 19:51

Subject: Delinquent vs Active Accounts

Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:42 pm
I was denied employment due to adverse credit. I am trying to pay off delinquent account so that I won't have any problems with future jobs. Would paying off delinquent account help me with future jobs that request background & credit check? My active account are all in good order.

Wells Fargo is the WORST BANK, How could they put something

Submitted by deals1232002 on Wed, 06/11/2014 - 03:07

About 2 years ago I went into a furniture store to find a bed and saw one on sale, I spoke to the guy at the furniture store and he said that he would find out if I had credit to purchase the bed. He told me later that it was wells fargo national bank that his store goes thru to see if a person has credit and wells fargo denied me. Now they have that on my credit report even though I did not purchase the bed but was added to my credit report. No money or furniture was involved but still they have it on my credit report.

Are Mobiloans or Plain Green Loans Legal in CT

Submitted by spearsm on Mon, 06/02/2014 - 07:26


I took out two installment loans (payday tribal loans) $800 from plain green and $500 from mobiloans. I am not in default or anything but Im seeing that they are illegal to operate in CT. Does that mean I only have to pay back my principal amounts on them, I was not aware of this when I applied ( I was in between a rock and a hard place) and now upon paying crazy biweekly payments and beginning to feel like I will fall behind. Can anyone let me know the status of these two companies and if I need to pay more than the principle? Thanks!

to pay or not to pay

Submitted by mamagt on Fri, 05/30/2014 - 16:35

i just happen to have received a letter from first national collection bureau for a settlement of 126.41 for a 632.00 balance from a credit card that i had several years ago while i was married. i am know try ing to purchase a new vehicle and cant since my credit is so bad no one will even consider giving me a loan, if i pay this will it change my credit score

can ss take my husbands ssdi backpay because i received ssi

Submitted by pottlemania on Mon, 05/19/2014 - 18:59

i am disabled and received ssi for years since childhood. my husband was approved for ssdi and received an award letter for backpay of 42,000. ss paid him 4,500. and said they were keeping the remainder because I received ssi even though he did not. can they do this?