i just happen to have received a letter from first national collection bureau for a settlement of 126.41 for a 632.00 balance from a credit card that i had several years ago while i was married. i am know try ing to purchase a new vehicle and cant since my credit is so bad no one will even consider giving me a loan, if i pay this will it change my credit score
it won't,but i have questions.
1)is this even on your CR?
2)when was the last payment/first deliquency?
3)what state are you in?
give that a look as it depends.FNCB is a jdb bottomfeeder.most likely this debt is close,or past paying them would be a need to fire off a DV(debt validation)letter certified mail return receipt.bottomline is that paying anything but the whole balance will not change your score.even paying a bottomfeeder the whole isn't a get the dv letter out and wait.