Credit repair


Do medical bills make your standing bad

Submitted by greg51432 on Wed, 08/14/2013 - 22:18

I had to stop working because of health reasons in order to get disability. I lost everything I had worked for and I had financed a van for my daughter who was not making the payments so it was repo. I couldn't pay my bills and had to move in with my mother while I waited for disability. When it kicked in it was to late to file claims for medical bills or the doctors wouldn't . The credit cards I had had disability insurance on them or most of them did. I live off of social security now and can bearly feed myself let alone pay medical bill or credit cards.

Sent the appropriate e-mails

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/13/2013 - 03:53

I'm in CA has anyone ever delt with these people? I took out a loan for 600.00, found out they are not licensed in CA and sent the appropriate e-mails stating I would pay the principle of the loan only. No interest charges. I did not receive any response to my e-mails, now they are calling me at work daily. When I asked for an address to send a money order they get nasty, make threats and hang up on me. Any advice?

Call my work and will get fired.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/13/2013 - 03:50

I live in mo and have 5 payday loans that are eating me alive, i am afraid if i close my bank account they will call my work and i will get fired.

ameriloan 500 have not made a payment
cash net 500 have made 1 payment of 143
big sky 300 weekly 45 have made 2 payments
Zest Cash 500 have made 5 payments of 75
check n go 1250 have made 2 payments of 202

Mentioned interest rate allowed in NJ

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/13/2013 - 03:47

We got an online loan from plain greens and made 4 payments of $153.00... We want to pay it off and the woman said we need to pay $929.00 more. The loan was originally $800 taken on Nov 17. We are living in NJ and the people from plain green said that they are not a payday loan company when I mentioned that the interest rate allowed in NJ is just 30% maximum APR for financial institutions and that payday loan is illegal in our state. What are we going to do?

Keep trying to ACH the money from bank account

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/13/2013 - 03:44

I live in MO and from what I can find, Kenwood Services is not a legal lender in MO. I borrowed $300 and have paid them $280.00. I sent in the letters stating that they are illegal in MO and that all I was responsible for was the principal. I also sent in the letters to Revoke ACH and Voluntary Wage Assignment. I told them I would pay the $20.00 if they gave me the address to where to send it.

File a judgment against me for malicious intent

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/13/2013 - 03:43

I took out 2 pay day loans last year. One with Quick Cash, and one with Advance America. My loan with quick cash was for $500 I re-paid $350 and tried to make arrangements for the remaining balance which was over $400, and they refused to work with me so I closed the account and never answered their calls. With Advance America I lost my job 2 wks after receiving the loan therefore it was never paid. I got a call today from a collection agency saying that they were going to file a judgment against me for malicious intent.

Disputing apartment debt with Experian

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/13/2013 - 01:44

I disputed two apartments with Experian. I'm hoping that they miss the 30-day window to respond to my certified letter. As the 30 days have nearly expired, I have questions on how to proceed.

1. The last time I disputed, Experian printed my credit report on Day 30, and mailed it (postmarked) on Day 32. Both days fell on a Tuesday and Thursday, respectively. There was never a letter, they simply put a comment within the entry saying that it "meets requirement on FCRA". What recourse do I have with this timeframe and their method of responding?

Emailed and received nothing back

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 05:05

I have a payday loan in which my account has been turned over to collections. I have tried to contact the number given to me for collections and it does not work. I have called Huskhawk group LTD and asked to speak with someone from collections and all they can give me is a email. I have emailed and received nothing back. I live in Maryland and would like to know how to proceed with this matter.

Looked on texas department of banking

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 05:03

I currently have 6 loans out with cash central,cash net USA, Ameriloan, sure advance that also goes by national advance services, instant payday loan and go cash llc. I want to make sure these are illegal. I have looked on texas department of banking and office of consumer credit commission and found not listing for any of these. What is my next move? I already have one collection agency calling for payment.

Agreement gave permission to withdraw

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 05:02

I took out a payday loan from last year for $500. I live in NY.. I couldn't pay them at the time... closed my bank account... opened new bank account. Today I had an ACH withdrawal for LOAN SHOP COLLECTIONS for $650. I went to the bank to file a dispute because I didn't authorize them to withdraw money from this account. We had to call the Loan Shop from the bank and the collection agent said my agreement gave them permission to withdraw from any future bank accounts until it was paid. I never actually signed anything, it was all done via email. What can I do?