Credit repair


Legal issue with taking loans out

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/19/2013 - 12:34

Last year I sought help from this forum to remedy multiple payday loans. I sent the letters and filed complaints in the State of Maryland where I live. After a recent huge tragedy in my life, I turned to more payday loans this year. Now I am faced with the same problem all over again. My question is what happens if I default again? Is there a legal issue with taking loans out that I knew were illegal in my state? I have repaid the principal amount of all my loans at this point. But I am scared at the consequences of doing this again.

Added up the cost of each

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/19/2013 - 12:33

I live in Maryland and took out 3 Payday loans for Christmas. I have paid nothing on the principle. I have added up the cost of each and they add up to what the loan was plus the loan fee (2 week finance fee) and then some. The fee is for every pay period. It is getting to be a pain. Am I still obligated to pay them anything else since in Maryland, payday loans are illegal.

Everest Cash Advance - $500 loan; $150 fee; $750 paid
Cash Web USA - $400 loan; $120 fee; $600 paid
Emerald Marketing - $300 loan; $90 fee; $450 paid

Called my work phone from process server

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/19/2013 - 12:30

A woman just called my work phone from this number: 716-418-7044. At first she asked for my boss, but when she found out she was speaking to me she asked if I received a summons in the mail & signed for it. I haven't seen anything like that. She said she is representing, an unlicensed PDL lender in the state of IL. I went through this with direct a few months back and they stopped contacting me. How should I proceed with this lady?

Same credit problem with a quirk

Submitted by bktwist on Mon, 08/19/2013 - 00:35

I am in the same situation with a quirk. I am getting retirement pay and I cannot pay my credit card. I have a car loan to the same creditor but I am able to pay that every month. Can they take my car even though I am not in default of the car loan? If I contact my bank about possible attachment, will they tell me they are going to close my account? Thanks!!

debt collection

Submitted by lacecraze7 on Sun, 08/18/2013 - 23:56

can i have my vehicle repossessed if i have to go to court over a debt owed to a third party,if i am on workers compensation for work related injury and the vehicle is registered in my name but i am making payments to a car lot, and do not OWN said vehicle as of debt is higher for the said vehicle more than the debt owed to the collector.

Paid more than double on most of them

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/16/2013 - 09:08

I have loans out with One Click Cash, Zip19, Great plains lending, My cash now, how do I find out if they are legal in the state of Indiana?? I have got so far in the hole with them. I have closed my bank account so that that can't get any more money. When I see what i borrowed and what i have paid in fees I have paid more than double on most of them! So I figured I had paid enough....right??

Ignoring phone calls on cell phone

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/16/2013 - 09:04

Ameriloan and One Click companies are relentless and totally rude. I have been ignoring the phone calls on my cell phone and home phone, but someone from One Click just called me at work. I got nasty and said that I don't appreciate calls at work. Guy was a total jerk and I ended up hanging up on him. I have overpaid on both loans with Ameriloan and One click. I have send my letter numerous (18) times to both companies... Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

No longer make my payments

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/16/2013 - 09:03

I am a 100% disabled veteran living in Kansas city who has fallen into the pdl trap. I have accounts with Plain green, CashnetUSA, One Click, USFastcash, Advance America, Cash Central, Checksmart, Cashcall. I am getting to a point where I'm falling behind.....if I can no longer make my payments can these companies garnish my VA Disability, Social Security, and or my bank accounts?