Credit repair


Separating from my husband

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/23/2013 - 03:52

I, like so many others, have fallen into the payday loan trap recently. I currently have 5 loans out and they are eating up my paychecks.
The lenders are:
Gateway Holdings Group LLC
St Armands
Everest Cash Advance
I live in Maine, and am separating from my husband. Every dollar counts and I am wondering how to take care of these loans.

Interest rate allowed in NJ

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/23/2013 - 03:50

We got an online loan from plain greens and made 4 payments of $153.00... We want to pay it off and the woman said we need to pay $929.00 more.The loan was originally $800 taken on June. 17. We are living in NJ and the people from plain green said that they are not a payday loan company when I mentioned that the interest rate allowed in NJ is just 30% maximum APR for financial institutions and that payday loan is illegal in our state. What are we going to do?

Never contacted me one single time

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/20/2013 - 12:32

Does anyone know if American Web Loan is legal in Ohio? I had a loan through them and I defaulted back in October. Interestingly enough, they have never contacted me one single time in regards to payment due. No emails, no phone calls, no letter, nothing. I just wondered if it's because they know they can't collect because they're not legal in Ohio??

Close bank account just to live and eat

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/20/2013 - 12:30

I have been reading what everyone has written. I live in SC and I have 9 internet payday loans that have put me in the poor house! I need to close my current bank account just to live and eat! Is there anything I can do?? They are listed below.

Pepper Cash $375
Cash Net USA $778
Seaside Dollar $520
Ameriloan $520
Cash Call $772
Cash Direct Express $450
Sure Advance $506
Cash Jar $520
Zip 19 $880

Willing to settle fairly easy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/19/2013 - 12:36

I have a current loan of 400 through magnum cash advance, and I am getting ready to dispute the interest and finance charges as I don't believe they are licensed in the state of Ohio. Has anyone had any experiences with this company? Are they willing to settle fairly easy or do I have to be prepared to fight?

Seems like my loan is still through Western Sky

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/19/2013 - 12:35

I took out a payday loan last July with Western Sky. They immediately sold it to Cash Call. The total amount with finance charges was $850. I have now paid $826.82. I have closed my bank account to stop the money from coming out. They now are calling and emailing me. The crazy thing is that I log into Western Sky and see my payment schedule, but don't have any log-in to cash call(says I don't exist). It seems like my loan is still through Western Sky.