Credit repair


Go in terms of requesting a refund

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/27/2013 - 11:42

I would like to know if these lenders are legal in PA? How many years back can you go in terms of requesting a refund from payday loans for interest paid? Anyone actually received any refunds? Is a hard debit block enough to stop their ability to ACH my acct?
JHS marketing
DJR group
Green Day loans
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Cash Now

Spoke with Progressive Debt Relief

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/27/2013 - 11:40

After my husband lost his job, I got into the internet payday loan trap and now have 5 internet payday loans. I owe, Ameriloan, $650/0 paid, United Cash Loan $500/$ $260 paid in interest, Sure Advance $400/ $270 paid in interest, GECC $450/$250 paid in interest, and PayDayOne $$850/ $900 paid in interest and rollovers...ugh. I live in Tennessee and need to find out what my options are. I have spoken with an attorney and he says close my account. Also I spoke with Progressive Debt Relief and they can help me settle. They have a C rating with the BBB. Any suggestions?

Not making a car payment yet.

Submitted by Vois on Sun, 08/25/2013 - 21:10

I did the trade in last week. so I gor the other car from that trade in. I did the car insurance too on the same day. Car dealer gave me the car key so I got the car. but I didn't put any down payment 08/31/13 I have to put down payment in. Today I change my mind take back the car cause I couldn't. Do I still have a chance to cancel the trade in? please help me.