Credit repair


Barely covers our bills

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/09/2013 - 12:24

I live in North Carolina and lost my job last November. The only income is my husband's SS which is direct deposited, and which barely covers our bills. We had to take out 2 payday loans, one with United Cash Loans, the other with Ameriloan. Are these loans legal in NC, and what can we do to get them paid without all the outrageous fees and interest?

Continue to try to contact me to collect

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/09/2013 - 12:22

I sent the cease and Desist email just two weeks ago and just got a phone call from United Cash Loans today. I have paid $720 on my $300 loan. I argued with a manager and told him that they owe me a refund, but he said that they would continue to try to contact me to collect. what should I do now?

Does a collector have a right to collect a debt that was not

Submitted by rstipa on Sun, 09/08/2013 - 19:01

Does a collector have a right to collect on a credit card debt that was charged off by the original creditor? Especially when that original creditor received a tax credit for it, not to mention bail out money for their losses. Also, its not their debt to collect.

My understanding is there may be an RCW code or legal reference out there. Can anyone provide the RCW code?

Put on stop payments in the meantime

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/06/2013 - 03:52

I live in south dakota and have gotten in over my head with payday loans. I was able to keep up with my payments but it was very slow to pay off - but I just found out I lost my job and I have no way of paying my rent, food, and paying these off. How to approach each of them to make payment arrangements that they will accept? Should I put on stop payments in the meantime?

Give my account and routing number

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/06/2013 - 03:49

I currently live in indiana and about a month ago took out two payday loans one through oneclickcash the other through ameriloan both for the amount of 350 after doing some research I found many people that were having continuous debits from the accounts being taken out for outrageous amounts of money. I closed my accounts so they couldn't take money out and now they won't arrange any payments with me if I don’t give them my account and routing number which I am NOT doing, they've already TRIED to take out 800 dollars from my account and the harassment has begun...what are my options?