Credit repair


They are operating as CSO

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/26/2013 - 11:27

Need some advice on how to handle Payday One. I have a payment coming due on Tuesday which I cannot afford. I called in today to try to work out a payment arrangement. she said there was nothing they can do. My only option was to make the payment due on Tuesday. I'm in Ohio and I think they are a legal lender, but they are operating as CSO. Any advice?

Use intimidation tactics to get people to pay

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/26/2013 - 11:24

I had loans with the companies: osl/ssm marketing, oasis1, and a few others. I was told these are illegal payday lenders and that I am not obligated to pay anything back to them. They might be operating outside the US and even if I paid them back, they could still debit my account. Was wondering if I ignored these companies, would they send the collectors after me or can they do anything? I heard they use intimidation tactics to get people to pay etc...... Can anyone help??

Account closed PIF due to their being illegal

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 09/25/2013 - 06:10

I had an account with Cash Jar that I paid the principal + $975 back. I sent them a letter stating I wish the account closed PIF due to their being illegal. Just got a response they sold my debt to a third party collector. I asked them to provide the debt collector's details. Do they have to provide this or do I just wait until the debt collector contacts me? Also, the debt is still considered illegal even if it went into collections, right? I live in PA.

Which plan of action to take?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 09/25/2013 - 06:07

I live in Florida and have 4 internet pdls. They are ameriloan, Loan shop online, United cash loans and kenwood services. How many of these are legal in florida? I know I have paid:
Ameriloan over 600 for a 300 loan.
Loan shop online: borrowed 300, pd 90
United Cash Loans: borrowed 200, pd 350: borrowed(again):300, pd 0
Kenwood services: borrowed 300, pd 435: borrowed (again): 350, pd 0.
Can anyone tell me which ones are legal and which ones aren't? This will help me decide which plan of action to take.