Credit repair


advice please!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 01/27/2016 - 03:38

I received a call to from 307-200-4501 saying i was going to get sued from a payday loan from 2010. Here's the deal I was told that internet payday loans deposit the money in either your checking/savings account.. well since 2007/2008 I haven't had a checking account up until Feb 2015. They named an address i had moved from Dec 2008 so before i can explain to this lady that this is the first i'm hearing of this and was never contacted about this before she got rude and told me get a lawyer and she will see me in court and hung up in my face.

Credit Card Debt of Incapacited in a Care Facility

Submitted by danaeclarin on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 00:43

My father receives a State of CA Pension. His income goes to pay for his care in a full time care facility he is fully incapacitated. He is on Medi-Cal and his out of pocket his more than his income. He has Credit Card Debt that he cannot pay because of his Medi-Cal Out of pocket obligation. He has no assets. Can Credit Card Companies attach his pension or seize his bank account? Should I File bankruptcy for him?

can we sell home?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 01/20/2016 - 16:08

We have a rental property with a mortgage (the rent makes the mortgage payments on that property) The home we live in also has a mortgage. My husband receives SSD and a small monthly pension. Not much money is left after paying the mortgage loan/taxes and insurance. I have never worked and don't receive any income. We have high cc debt (unsecured) as well as my husbands medical bills before he had med. insurance.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 12/29/2015 - 05:01

A negative comment is affecting my credit report, it says: "account paid for less than full balance; original creditor ATT Uverse" . Is there anything I can do to fix it? Please, need advise!! Thanks!

Help with a mortgage question.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 12/28/2015 - 16:52

question, I owned a home with my father back in 2006 however he passed and I had to sell the home via short sell. The title company, came back after the fact because the title was not clear and they needed my assistance locating the absent children my father had, in which I have no relationship with. once the title was clear, the title company is now trying to sue me, claiming I committed fraud? which my question is if I was knowingly committing fraud I would have not help them locate family I have no relationship what so ever with.

Credit card debt

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 12/28/2015 - 12:43

I have a large credit card debt which I have paying regularly. Recently my rent was increased almost 200 an d because the only source of income that I have is my SSI I was wondering what happens if I don't pay my credit card?

A debt collector discontinue his law suit against me?

Submitted by veva19762001 on Thu, 12/17/2015 - 15:42

A debt collector commenced a law suit against me in June 2013. His follow up to the process has been irregular, sometimes responding to inquiries promptly but other times lacks response to curt proceedings for 6 months or longer.
Last activity on this case was my reply to notice of service for request for admissions filed September 2014.
Now the court has sent me a letter stating they will close the case because lack of due diligence to follow up.
Is this good for me or is there something I should do?