What is the Statute of Limitations on debts in AL?

Submitted by lander_matthew on Wed, 04/16/2008 - 20:55

Trying to buy a house in AL, Have a 603 EX score and have a long list of OLD collections (forgotten accounts etc.) When can I submit a SoL letter to creditors and Bureaus through FDCPA?

So far as I can tell, AL has an SOL of 3 years on credit cards, and 6 years on loans--this is the time period that a creditor has to file suit against you.

As far as charged off debt, a negative entry can remain for seven years from date of charge off. You can attempt to dispute for any reason (obsolete, incomplete, whatever...), but if the info is timely and legitimate, there can be no guarantee of removal. You could try sending a DV letter to the collection agencies at the same time you dispute with the credit bureaus.

Thu, 04/17/2008 - 00:02 Permalink

Sometimes it is a real struggle to get something like this removed. Good Luck.

Sun, 04/27/2008 - 02:20 Permalink