Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/21/2015 - 17:35

I had recently look into my credit history i have a bal owe$431.00. to CBNA> . I can promise this is fradulate charge.Somehow we are not protected ,that anyone can steel your infromation. Please remove the charge thats posted to my credit report somehow you can post that correclty . How ever you forgot to talk to the creditholder me you dumb ass. Who has the right to apply a dedt on someone credit and never send a notice in the mail. "WOW" PLEASE REMOVE !IDIOTS. 1-20-11 . My underdstanding this has happened to many others please beaware. I will go to the source and make sure that their dots are correct and to show me documents of this charge. This is totally upsetting to me. Who is this?



Anonymous (not verified)

Have you reported?

Tue, 09/08/2015 - 05:51 Permalink