
Submitted by cmw986 on Sat, 04/05/2014 - 09:34

I had really good credit for my whole life until a couple months ago I lost my job but was told in 4-5 months I would have my job back. I had worked at that job since I was able to work. I have no bank account and have been unable to get one. Last month I ran out of funds and I started missing my payments and now they are all overdue. My monthly payments were only 25-30. and now they are up and around 60-70 with over due fees.I have already sold everything I had except my car and all my dad's baseball cards that he gave me right before he died I desperately need help getting a loan I only need around 400-500 to catch up to my cards before it gets so bad that I'd never be able to get out. I get upset just thinking about having to sell my dads cards its the only thing I have from him. So can anybody help me or point me in the right direction please.

Anonymous (not verified)

Either you can take out a debt consolidation loan or ask your relatives or friends for financial help since its just 400-500 is that all you need to get current with your payments.

Mon, 04/21/2014 - 05:30 Permalink