I would like to know if this site can assist me with my payday loans. I have more than 5, it is now affecting my daily living. If you cannot help, can you direct me to a place that can?
I would like to know if this site can assist me with my payday loans. I have more than 5, it is now affecting my daily living. If you cannot help, can you direct me to a place that can?
you can do this yourself.first provide the following.
1)names of each lender
2)amount borrowed from each
3)amount debited by each thus far
4)internet,or storefront
5)state you reside in
answer those and we can help you for free.besides there is no no the level place as legal pdl's willl work with you,and illegals think they are enntitled to an overinflated can handle this yourself.
At first try to find out the legality of your pdl companies. If they are licensed in your state, then you are liable to pay them both the principal and interest. In this case, you may try to negotiate with your licensed lenders and if possible set up a payment arrangement with them. But if they are illegal, then you owe them nothing more than the principal balance. No interest, no fees. In this case it would be better for you to close down your old bank account and open a new one to stop debiting money from your account. Don’t hire a debt relief company to pay off your pdls as they will charge a heavy fee. Try to do it on your own.