Use debt consolidation service like Langhorne

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 12:13

I have 8 PDL and just closed my checking account. I owe $4500 in PDL and live in AZ. All of the loans are online. I was paying $900 per paycheck and just can no longer pay the bills. Should I use a debt consolidation service like Langhorne?

paul (not verified)

i thought langhorne was gonzo.i think they are,but you can do this yourself just list the following.

1)names of each lender
2)amount borrowed from each
3)amount debited by each thus far

chances are all are illegal,and therefore you not only owe just the principle,but anything debited gets deducted from said principle so you might owe nextto nothing if not nothing.please list that info and you can be helped for nothing.

Tue, 10/01/2013 - 15:15 Permalink

I think you should opt for debt settlement. As the loans are illegal, you don't owe them the interest rate and therefore there's no question in slashing off the interest rates. Opt for debt settlement so that a portion of your debt can be waived off.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 04:06 Permalink
Anonymous. (not verified)

Payday lending is prohibited in AZ. That means all lenders in your state are illegal. So you owe them nothing more than the principal balance. No interest, no fees. Just close down your old bank account and open a new one to stop debiting money from your account.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 04:37 Permalink
paul (not verified)

that is why i asked how much borrowed,and debited.if the amount debited meets,or exceeds the amount borrowed the OP owes jack,and should demand PIF'S not settle.geez.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 15:41 Permalink