Not making a car payment yet.

Submitted by Vois on Sun, 08/25/2013 - 21:10

I did the trade in last week. so I gor the other car from that trade in. I did the car insurance too on the same day. Car dealer gave me the car key so I got the car. but I didn't put any down payment 08/31/13 I have to put down payment in. Today I change my mind take back the car cause I couldn't. Do I still have a chance to cancel the trade in? please help me.

There will be legal issues and costs. Legally you bought the car. The car you traded in could be gone already. You gonna have to call them and ask but be prepared, this could cost you money.

Sun, 08/25/2013 - 21:55 Permalink

I just came from there, so I told them I knew they had a hard time looking for the lender because I received the alert mail from my monitoring credit report last night it over then 10 bank they went to still get any to take me in. 2 reason I couldn't make the down payment by 08/31/13 but they said they will call one of the bank here local one and make a deal for the monthly payment to drop down. also I told them about the down payment not gonna make the amount they need if I can might be only 1000.00 a month. anyway thank you soaplady for the quick reply.

Sun, 08/25/2013 - 22:53 Permalink