I disputed two apartments with Experian. I'm hoping that they miss the 30-day window to respond to my certified letter. As the 30 days have nearly expired, I have questions on how to proceed.
1. The last time I disputed, Experian printed my credit report on Day 30, and mailed it (postmarked) on Day 32. Both days fell on a Tuesday and Thursday, respectively. There was never a letter, they simply put a comment within the entry saying that it "meets requirement on FCRA". What recourse do I have with this timeframe and their method of responding?
2. If one credit bureau removes something, are the others legally obligated to remove it also? How do I go about this?
3. On day 31, what do I do when I haven't heard from them? As you can see, my goal is for the quickest deletion possible since the reporting is incorrect.
Disputing apartment debt with Experian
Welcome to the forums!!!
You should file a complaint against Experian to the FCRA or FTC. If one credit bureau removes something, then the others are not legally obligated to remove the same from your credit report.
6zcNhL Thanks a lot for the article.Much thanks again. Keep writing.
rVfPsU Muchos Gracias for your blog article.Much thanks again. Keep writing.