verification or dispute letter? Whats my next step?

Submitted by wzahn on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 20:03

Last week I sent 3 PFD letters out to a CA. I sent them certified with return receipt. Today I got all three letters back unopened and stamped that says return to sender forwarding order expired. I sent them to the address provided on my CR. Should I just dispute these items now or ask for verification first? Any advice would be appreciated.. THANK YOU

If you are truly willing to PFD look on the internet for new address . Call phone # on credit report if you reach the CA ask for
new address to send certified letter's to. Also make copy's of your
Return receipt and send them to Experian equifax transunion dispute
all make sure to put account # in your letter's and wait

Mon, 04/29/2013 - 16:33 Permalink