Can someone file in small claims court against me and not no

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 01/14/2012 - 21:40

I got a strange email from an ex roommate who owes me money asking for my address so she could "wire" the money to me. She recently had a judgement filed against her by our former landlord for past rent due him. I suspect she is going to try to file against me, hoping I won't show up for court and get an automatic judgement against me. I have moved out of state and did not give her my forwarding home address, just a P.O. Box. btw, I do not owe her any money, so it would be a frivolous lawsuit.

No...if I were you, I would just tell her to send the money to the PO Box you provided her. You said you were concerned she may file aqainst YOU? Does she have a reason to?..does she have documentation showing you DO owe her something? Did the landlord file a judgement aqainst you, as well? Just some 'curious' questions I have.

Mon, 01/16/2012 - 00:28 Permalink