I could really use advise. In 2002 I opened a 500 dollar credit card with capitol one. Younge and Stupid didnt pay it but a few years later made a charge off agreement with the collection agency. Shortly after I saw on my credit report that it was charged off but settled for less. It is now off my credit report and I have even opened another account with capitol one. Paying Responsibly now. But 6 years later capitol one is sending harrassing letters saying I now owe over 3,000 dollars and they didnt receive any payment from collections and cant tell me who handled it. I now have burden of proof. I cant find an old credit report. Bank records are apparently non existing after 2 years and have no way to prove it. How do I find those documents to prove it?
charge off
You can contact with the credit bureau and request them to send you the old credit report. It is not possible for you to prove that the account was charged off but settled for less without any documents. If you get the proper document, you can send it to the creditor via certified mail with a return receipt request. If you not get it, then it is better for you to negotiate with your creditors and arrange a repayment plan to repay the debt.