What can they do to me, on credit card debt?

Submitted by holmes4444 on Tue, 03/15/2011 - 16:12

I received a summons to pay Capital One $7,500, on a past due credit card?

I am retired, living on a declining income, and unemployed...can they take away my Social Security, and seize my bank account?

Guest (not verified)

Make sure that you appear at the court on the date and time specified. A debt going past the SOL doesn't mean that you don't owe it any more. They can't collect but they can sue and obtain a judgment against you.

Fri, 03/18/2011 - 13:10 Permalink
Tom Holmes (not verified)

RE: I received a summons to pay Capital One $7,500, on a past due credit card? I am retired, living on a declining income, and unemployed...can they take away my Social Security, and seize my bank account?
Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:10 pm
Make sure that you appear at the court on the date and time specified. A debt going past the SOL doesn't mean that you don't owe it any more. They can't collect but they can sue and obtain a judgment against you.

Question: With a judgementcan they sieze money from my bank account?

Thanks, Tom

Fri, 03/18/2011 - 21:34 Permalink