If you file bankruptcy and are also in a legal action, will

Submitted by Judd on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 20:52

We can not pay our attorney fees and are being sued and have legal proceedings brought against us. We paid $10,000 to an attorney who tells us he needs at least $10,000 more. We can not pay this and see no other option, but to file bankruptcy. Will this stop the legal matter if we do this?

We know we will win this case, but a larger company is simply going to shut us down because we have run out of money to pay an attorney. Sad to say the business was going well, but the legal fees have destroyed us.

We are a LLC filed in Ohio and please if anyone can help me I would be most grateful. God Bless~~~

An emergency BK petition can probably be filed, and I'm sure all lawsuits will be stopped. The other party will then need to file their objection in order to lift the stay. A BK case could only be dismissed if it involved any fraudulent attempt.

Fri, 01/14/2011 - 10:00 Permalink