Chapter 7 or 13

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 12/21/2010 - 16:12

Hi all. I have been waiting for a loan modification for over a year, For my first mortgage. My second is about to be charged off. I am going to file bk but dont know if Chatper 7 or 13 is right for me. My lawyer says chapter 7. beacuse i'm on disability. and have arrears on my first. However if they modify me.(I HOPE) then I would be able to include my second for 80k. on ch 13, My attorney says not to worry on my second. beacuse there is no way they can collect. Since my house is valued at 180k and I owe 235k on my first. Not to mention my 40k in unsecured debt. cc
Please help. I live in Ca

Billdebthill (not verified)

It's good if you're working with a qualified attorney. I'm still wondering if you've considered all other options before filing for bankruptcy!
Have you tried applying for SSI programs?

Wed, 12/29/2010 - 13:20 Permalink