401(k) Withdrawal Rules

Submitted by ROSS on Sun, 12/05/2010 - 15:16

I have about $20,000 in credit card debt. Some of this is at a very high interest rate. I have the option of taking a loan on my 401(k) savings to get rid of all the debt but want to know the consequences and what my options are.

Frequently, borrowing against your 401(k) is a powerful way to lower the effective rate that you are paying on unsecured debt. I will discuss more about 401(k) withdrawal rules in just a moment.

If the interest rate on your credit card debt is higher than the interest rate on your 401(k) loan (which is almost always the situation), then a 401(k) loan will likely be a good solution for you. The benefits are less money going to cover interest fees and possibly a lower monthly payment. Ideally, you would use the extra cash flow to pay down the total debt amount faster, getting debt free in a shorter amount of time. Be sure not to "run up" your credit cards once they are paid off!

Sun, 12/05/2010 - 15:24 Permalink

You will want to be careful not to cash out your 401(k) savings (called "receiving a distribution" by the IRS), however, and simply borrow against your savings. If you liquidate, or sell assets from, a 401(k) before eligible retirement drawdown begins — you may face very steep tax liabilities.

Sun, 12/05/2010 - 15:25 Permalink