I am disabled on Society Security benefits, have a part time job. My car is on its last leg. I wanted to trade it in, but need another $1000 to go down with the trade in. My work is about 22 miles away. I can't get to work. I don't know how long my job will allow me to be off from work. I am very depress and I surely don't want to loose the part time job. It helps me as long as I am not under pressure.
Yes I have asked for help through different organizations. They value others that have no income or homeless.
Who are helping the ones that are trying to help themselves and falls short on the way?
Hello. Your question is about BK? First of all, I'm curious where you live. I live in PA, where,..if you file BK (depending WHERE in PA) you are paying $300.00 to $600.00. Who is telling you $1100.00? That seems a bit much to me. 'Life' can get stessful...that's for sure!! Which agencies are you asking helpfrom? Churches, local places, etc? Yes...there are alot of places who are willing to help people who are trying to help themselves..very true.