Should I send both a settlement and pay for delete letter?

Submitted by Paige on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 17:05

I would like to attempt to offer a creditor a percentage of a debt in exchange that they delete the debt off my credit report. The debt is for $1800 and im not sure what percentage of it I should offer to pay. Also would I need to send two seperate letters? Thanks in advance for any help!

Have you sent a DV letter?

do you have all your credit reports?
what state are you in?
what is the original creditor and the name of the CA?
what is the date of first delinquency? 30 days after last payment

this information will help me make suggestions specific to your case. The state will determine the statue of limitations for this debt. knowing the name of the OC original creditor, will help show if there is a specific govt regulating agency that can help so rt out the truth. Knowing the exact dates is very important too.

Wed, 10/20/2010 - 17:35 Permalink

Hello, thanks for the response! The debt is from 2007, and I never did send out a debt validation letter. Its from an apartment I lived in my 1st year of college. I left to return home for the summer and skipped two months of rent. ( I now realize what a big mistake that was) It is still under the original creditor, which is Southern Managment. I have only looked on one credit report. It occured in the state of Texas. And the 1st deliquency would be June 1. 2007. I am not arguing rather the debt is mine, Im 100% certain it is. But I would like to attempt to either pay a portion, or even pay it off in full, and try to get it erased from my credit report.

Sun, 10/24/2010 - 20:25 Permalink

you should send a DV letter and ask how the balance was calculated. Was there a deposit? the SOL for TX is 4 years if this was a signed lease. You can ask to settle for less in exchange for deletion but since that can still get a judgment against you, you may have to pay full.

Sun, 10/24/2010 - 22:24 Permalink