Hi, I am new to the community and was wondering if anyone could help me. How can I remove old debt that is over 7 years old. Collection agencies keep buying debt and change account # by one digit. They also change the amt owed by a few dollars. In Texas anything over 7 years should be deleted but these agencies show new dates i guess when they buy the debt. Help.
old debt
Hi pab,
Welcome to this community :)
Negative item is supposed to fall off after 7 years of reporting. However, in your case the debt has been sold a number of times. So, the collection agencies can report it each time the debt gets sold to them as a new entry.
However, you have mentioned
Collection agencies keep buying debt and change account # by one digit.
I think you should dispute this. First send a debt validation letter to the collection agency now having the account. If they fail to validate the debt, dispute it with the credit bureaus.
You will get a sample debt validation letter with this community. Feel free to use it to write one of your own and send it through certified mail, requesting a return receipt.
Write a DV letter to each entry on your credit report. Report these irregularities to the TX Attorney General. TX law is favorable to consumers on debt.
old debt
thanks will try the dv letter and see how it goes.
old debt
Hi pab,
You are welcome :)
Debt Credit Card
Negative item is supposed to fall off after 7 years of reporting. However.In your case the debt has been sold a number of time.