Student loan problem

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 08/28/2010 - 05:50


I'm a 26 year old guy, and I am known as one of the most fiscally responsible people. I've been accused by several people of being thrifty. However, unfortunately I have not handled my credit nearly as well as I could have.

I have 5 student loans that show up as negative accounts on my credit reports. I don't pay for any of them. My parents handle the payments. However, the problem is they moved a lot when I was in college and so in late 2008 the bills for these loans never came. Address changes didn't get processed fast enough.

My parents paid off what they thought they had been paying - an estimate. But they were off by 1 or 2 dollars on all of the accounts. So, this went on for 60 days. Obviously everything has been paid in good standing ever since. But, I'm still stuck.

What should I do

Any help is tremendously appreciated.

Hi Wyoh,

Please let me know if these are Federal loans or Private loans? You can send Goodwill letters to the lenders requesting them to remove the negatives on basis of goodwill.

You could have tries "Pay for delete" (PFD) while making the payments. With PFD all the negatives get deleted.



Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:48 Permalink