Judgement for money on credit card.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/18/2010 - 22:19

I live in california and have a judgement against me on a credit card with BOA. It was for 12,000 and put a legal hold on my bank account and pulled 3,600+. I want to make payments on the balance. Do i call the Law firm who have placed this judgemnet on me? They threatened to garnish my husbands wages.

Is the CC in your AND your husband's name? In some states, CA's can garnish your wages..however,..I don't know if California is one of those states or not (one of the Experts will probably be on this thread and can tell you more about that). Call the Law firm and see what you can do. They took $3600 out of your account?! WOW!! That's alot of money.

Mon, 07/19/2010 - 00:56 Permalink