I sent a pay for deletion letter to a collection agency via certified mail six weeks ago,no response.Since then i have noticed that the payment status for this debt has been changed to "account tranferred to another office"Since there is not a collection agency listed for this debt any longer I sent another letter to the original creditor via certified mail two weeks ago,no response yet.
I want to pay this debt,it's only $500.This is very frustrating,ugh.
Am i going abouth this the right way?
OK, what is on your credit report?
Don't start with a pay for delete. First send a DV letter. this will establish who owns the account and you need to know that to get this deleted.
debt validation letter
Hi dafoester,
I agree with cinnamngrl. You should first send debt validation letter (DVL) to know who owns the debt. Then you can go for a settlement with the collection agency (CA). When settling the debt with the CA, you can request them to agree to a "Pay for delete" agreement in writing.