ready to buy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 01/30/2010 - 21:21

How is it. My credit good enough to rent but not strong enough to buy. I have pull my credit report and seen alot of things should have fallen off by now. Writen to credit breau hoping this can help.
Just can't get any where. Asking for help cost more than just paying off past due debt. This is crazy. Can any one guide me.

Usually when you rent you are renting from an individual not a bank so your credit doesn't have to be great to rent but when you go through a bank they are more strict on credit because you are buying not renting. But you are doing the right thing by disputing the things that are listed incorrectly on your report with the credit agencies. Once those are removed you should see a difference in your score.

Sat, 01/30/2010 - 23:54 Permalink

Hi Tonia,

What you have done is right. If there are wrong listings on your credit
report then you can definitely request the credit bureaus to remove these from the report. Once the listings are removed, your score will definitely improve.

Mon, 02/01/2010 - 06:00 Permalink