I had a small storage area rented in 1999 in Indiana. I moved to Illinois in 2000 after divorce, career change, job change, stressful school program and frankly forgot about it for awhile. I figured they had cut the lock and put everything for sale. I applied for a car loan recently and found out a judgement had been filed in 2008 from the storage company. I called the court clerk and she said that the sheriff tried to serve at the Indiana address and it was returned. She said they also sent a letter to the old address and it was returned. The amount is around 3,500.00!! The storage area was only around 20.00 a month or so. Is there any possible way to get this removed? What should be my next steps? My credit really took a hit with this.
Hi Debl,
I think you should contact a lawyer and file a motion to vacate the judgment stating that you did not receive the intimations send by them since you had moved to another place by that time.
Thanks for the advice Justin. What type of lawyer specializes in vacating judgements?
Also, will they set a new date when I do that? Or is it over then?