I had an accident about five days before my auto insurance policy was to renew. It was a minor accident due to mechanical failure and the other car's illegal parking. The company sends me a letter that they are cancelling me effective the last day of this month and will not renew me because of the accident.This was the first accident I have had in over 10 years.
OK, I dealt with it, got a new carrier.
About two weeks later I receive a bill from my old carrier for $53.00. I called and asked what it was for, as my policy was pre-paid through the last day of coverage. The woman said it was for the period from the accident to the end of the month. I told her that was already paid for ! She would only say that that is what the record says. Ten dollars and sixty cents a day for five days ? Ridiculous !
Since I had paid coverage through the end of the month, I didn't pay it. I tried to talk to the company a few times, but they just kept on insisting I owed it.
Now, 5 years later, my credit report shows that I defaulted for $53.00 !
I think they did this just for spite, as we know anything has to be over $50.00 to go on your credit report.
Hi Jeff,
"The company sends me a letter that they are cancelling me effective the last day of this month and will not renew me because of the accident"
Do you have this in writing? It should give you a legal ground to dispute with the CRA and with the insurance company. What they are saying differs from the actual coverage time frame for the policy which was up to the last day.