Can a collection agency pull your credit report when the debt they are trying to collect on was included in Bankruptcy?
Can a collection agency pull your credit report when the debt they are trying to collect on was included in Bankruptcy?
Hi Debra,
Well, when you file bankruptcy, the CA must stop any efforts on collecting the debt. However, I think they can pull your credit report anytime. This does harm your credit score since every debt collector's pull is considered a 'hard inquiry'. You can write a remove hard inquiry letter to the bureau asking them to remove hard inquiries from your credit report.
Hi debra
Yes, the CA can still pull your report but if the debt they are trying to collect on has been included in your bankruptcy, the report should show as included in bankruptcy and the balance as $0.00. However. it is also not uncommon that such debts listed in bankruptcy should continue to show as still being owed. This may be either due to your creditors negligence or disregard for the process of bankruptcy.