Does anyone know of a good, solid and reputable credit repair company that you have used? I know I can Google and check BBB but word of mouth is best.
Does anyone know of a good, solid and reputable credit repair company that you have used? I know I can Google and check BBB but word of mouth is best.
Hi DEerek and welcome to this site. There are alot of honest credit repair agencies you just have to look into them. The best are usually the non profit ones. Try looking on your states government website and see if there are any listed there. I imagine credit repair agencies are different from state to state. There is however a guy on here that seamed pretty honest and comes on from time to time offering free advice. His name is "Doc" and I imagine you could send him a personal message.
I remember "Doc"! I can't believe his advice is actually free. It's reallt helped me get some kind of 'organization' on my debts: which ones I need to handle first, etc. Anyway..when searching for a Credit Repair Co, just make sure you do all the research you can. Everyone has a 'gut' feeling about things. So, if your 'gut' tells you it's not the right one for you, then don't use them. (Just some of my 'personal' advice).