Pay your bills on time and request your credit card company to raise your limit. If they do, don't use this raised limit to spend more. Restrict your spending to 30% of the available credit. If you are in immediate requirement then you may ask someone with good credit to become a cosigner. This will improve your score. But make sure you pay your bills on time to avoid your cosigner from getting into any kind of trouble because of you.
Are you referring to a secured credit card? If so your limit is set a what you deposit into a separate account to be used for just that purpose. I believe all your major credit card company's have this available and you could check with your bank as well.
Hi TMKish
Pay your bills on time and request your credit card company to raise your limit. If they do, don't use this raised limit to spend more. Restrict your spending to 30% of the available credit. If you are in immediate requirement then you may ask someone with good credit to become a cosigner. This will improve your score. But make sure you pay your bills on time to avoid your cosigner from getting into any kind of trouble because of you.
My Credit Sucks!
What can you tell me about buying credit lines?
Hi Nick,
Are you referring to a secured credit card? If so your limit is set a what you deposit into a separate account to be used for just that purpose. I believe all your major credit card company's have this available and you could check with your bank as well.
Hi I just to building my credit... I dress into have enough credit to get a credit card there any credit carD's that can approve me?
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