I just got letters from Chase and they are closing accounts for my two Chase credit cards that used to be Wamu Cards. I have a past bankruptcy from 2004 but have had these cards for several years with spotless payment histories on both. On both cards i owe under 50% of the available credit. We are just on the verge of buying a house with an FHA loan and I have a mid score of 600. I am so mad because we have worked so hard to get here and now I think my score will drop substantially. Is there anything I can do?
Hi Lisy, Alot of people are facing this same thing with the turn of the economy. Recently a friend of mine has his card cancelled and he had to pay off his balance. I am not quite certain of what you can do..others here may but have you tried to call them and ask a few questions? I would start with that phone call and maybe you will find someone with in Chases company to put you on the right track to keep the cards from being cancelled.