I have been with 2 settlement companies and they did nothing but take my money. I am wondering if I would be just as well off to try to settle the accounts on my own. I have $54,000 in credit card debt that is all over a year old. Anyone been in this same mess and if so, what is my best course of action? Can I just send all the creditors $100. per month and concentrate on paying one account at a time off?
How many credit cards do you have? are the debts still with the credit card company or has any of them gone to the debt collection company?
I have 12 credit cards and as far as I know they are all with collection companies.
credit cards
here's my advice ( from personal experience!!) Check your CR. See if these Credit Cards are still 'open' accounts, or..if they went to a CA, or...what happened to them. If they are still 'open' accounts, look at the balances. If they are deliquent, MAYBE the Credit Card comapnies will help you with a payment get the acount 'closed/paid', on your CR. I say this because, even if you have 'deliuent/paid' accounts, on your CR, these ( and ONLY the 'closed' accounts) have a 'dropp-off date' on them. This date will be to the RIGHT of the account ( on the CR ), OR just BELOW it. Sometimes..when you look at everything 'together', it seems SOOO overwhelming!! Believe me..I know!! But.if you look at the balances 'one at a time', and deal with them that way, you will eventially get them taken care of. said you have "$54,000 in credit card debt?" Instead of looking at ALL of them together, pick 'one at a time'. Nothing you can do about the past, just focus on the future. Does this make sense? Hope this advice helps.