Diffrent names, same companies?

Submitted by mray on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 13:30

I'm helping out my parents close many of their open, yet dormant accounts. My mom especially has about four different accounts with similar "Account Names" on her CR. They are:

I tried to do an internet search, but could only come up with some very vague contact information for one of the companies...are they all the same, or is that too simple an answer? Any suggestions?

Franklin Joel (not verified)

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Tue, 03/03/2020 - 21:20 Permalink
Bryant Alfred (not verified)

I was behind in my medical bills because of surgery I had in 2018, which later developed to Acute kidney failure, this created worries because of the expenses my wife and family suffered since July last year, doctor placed me on weekly dialysis, this led to our credit score falling to 400s respectively, I needed a loan to stay afloat and maintain my routine dialysis, buy drugs and supplements, but it wasn't approved because of poor credit profile. Thanks to 760PLUS CREDIT SCORE hacker whose contact my wife and I read about his reviews and recommendations online, they fixed our credit, handled the late payments and also advised us on how to maintain good credit line. Write him via: 760PLUSCREDITSCORE@GMAIL.COM or text 1(304) -774 -5902.

Fri, 03/06/2020 - 01:25 Permalink