Diffrent names, same companies?

Submitted by mray on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 13:30

I'm helping out my parents close many of their open, yet dormant accounts. My mom especially has about four different accounts with similar "Account Names" on her CR. They are:

I tried to do an internet search, but could only come up with some very vague contact information for one of the companies...are they all the same, or is that too simple an answer? Any suggestions?

Dickson Grey (not verified)

I am Dickson; it’s obvious a lot of us have been ripped off our hard earned money in a bid to fix credit just like me. I’ve been a victim of scam hackers several times not till I disclosed my problem to my regional pastor, whom I had to share my worries, so he introduced me to this great hacker called 760PLUS CREDIT SCORE I contacted the programmer and asked if he could get my credit report fixed as recommended by my Pastor, he said yes! I explained to him the entire negative items on my report and my low score of 420. To my greatest surprise in 3 weeks he fixed my credit from the initial 420 to 805. I’m so excited to smile again. Contact him via: 760PLUSCREDITSCORE@GMAIL.COM /+1(304) -774 -5902. I urge you to also recommend him to others as I have done the moment your credit is fixed completely.

Mon, 02/17/2020 - 00:10 Permalink
Derrick Richard (not verified)

760PLUS CREDIT SCORE cleared all financial mess from my profile, after reading favorable reviews about him online I decided to give a try base on reviews, I contacted him on 24th January, we had a deal after my wife explained to him our family worries and poor financial status, he gave me a task to make some initial commitment which I did, on 12th Feb, 2020 got an email that my credit score has being raised from 410 to 780, hard inquiries removed from my credit report. I got approved for mortgage loan as a result of my credit profile that is brought back to lime light. He is very fast and affordable. Write him via: 760PLUSCREDITSCORE@GMAIL.COM or text +1(304) -774 -5902.

Wed, 02/19/2020 - 00:12 Permalink