Few months back, my paternal aunt died. After her death, my uncle and her husband is the executor of the estate and since then he's been wondering how to pay off her $2500 credit card debt. Being a woman and a mother of two young adults she had a mobile home valued at about $15,000 and nothing else as assets attached to her name. Now, the question arises whether or not the children of the deceased parents are liable to pay back their debt? what if my cousins are hounded by the debt collectors for payments? Would appreciate you help and thank you.
is your uncle still alive?if so let him handle it.even he as long as he is not attached to the debt have no liability.if a bottomfeeder(and that is who would contact you)calls,or sends anything report it asap.bottomline your cousins,and/or uncle is not liable and if there is no money from her assets to pay then the cc companies are out of luck.