my wife received a letter saying she owes them (CA) $1400 from a credit card balance from 10-11 years ago. my wife does not recall any balance from that account when it was closed. she called them the day she received the letter questioning the balance and who it was for. like many, the rep was rude and sarcastic. she checked her credit report this AM and found them not to be listed. our question is, does she send a validation letter or not call or write anything to them and let it go? wait for them to respond further?
Hi, Jeff!! :) First of all the SOL ( Statue of Limitations) had already passed if the debt is that old. Most SOL for states is 7 years. DO NOT give them a dime!! If you do (after so long) you can possibly 're-age' the loan/cc..which means you would start the SOL (7 years) all over again and the CA can THEN report it on your credit. Don't send anything (I wouldn't, anyway). CA's play as many tricks as they can to get money from people? (Some prsonal advice here..) ask yourself this,..why would the CA take so long to ask for a payment? Hope you 'follow' what I'm saying. Make no arrangments with them and send them no money!!