I am new to these boards, so I hope you will excuse me if my question comes off stupid!
3 years ago, wife and I came on hard times financially. We got behind on all our bills-credit cards, mortgage, car loan. 2 years ago things got better. We paid off our car (but there are late payments) and we negotiated about 10 credit cards total. Some we paid in full, some we settled. Mortgage shows lates as well, but we have since sold the home and rent. We are now debt free with excellent income.
I had no idea that something like pay for delete existed, or I would have tried this with the cards I negotiated and paid. My question is, is it too late to try this? What I mean is, say I only paid 1500 of a 2500 card. Can I send a letter stating I will pay an additional amount for them to delete?
Alfredo Piacentini
If a debt is too old and about to go off your credit report, then I guess there's no point in paying for it. It will only reset your SOL clock. Otherwise, I guess you may always send a pay-for-delete letter to your CA or creditor and wait for their reply.