I was issued a credit card in 2007 and paid it off every month until I was laid off. I paid extra every month for the protection for losing your job or becoming disabled, it was supposed to stop payment for 6 months, no late fees, no interest etc.. after missing the second payment I was sent to collections. I notified them that I had lost my job that I had not yet began receiving unemployment benefits...they I was transferred from this person to that person and so-on. I was told they would mail me the information to fill out and send back to them so that I could take advantage of that program that I PAID for. Never recieved it. Now this collection attorney has been harassing me for 3 years. I have received a civil summons, now a judgment. I don't know what to do. I didn't do anything because I didn't KNOW to. I just thought it was a scare tactic and now I am really scared. The amount is over $1,000 and I never even put $500 on the card. I want to call and set up a payment arrangement but have read so many negative things about this company and don't want to mess up any SOL that may be to my advantage. What do I do now???