I paid off every collection agency on my report. I paid the full amount(even though they were from 2005)figuring it would look better as paid in full. All they have to do is tell the bureaus it was paid in full or remove it. Yet they have it in their books that it is paid, and when I dispute it the credit bureau keeps saying they checked it and it is verified and refuses to change it. I even sent the bureaus the $0 balance letters, where the companies PUT IN WRITING my account with them and the original would be updated to paid in full. I called the collection agency back and they give me a time frame of 30 to 45 days for it to be updated with the credit bureaus, even when I explain I am on a deadline with a mortgage. Isn't it as simple as them just telling the bureaus "Yeah she paid us"? And how can the bureau have a 0 balance, paid in full letter right in their hand and ignore it and leave the information still there?