How to propery dispute a charged off debt on credit report.

Submitted by redfirefly on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 21:32

My husband and I are looking to buy a house but his credit is too poor all bc of one charged off account from Chase. On the charged off account are 18 lates. We would love to get this removed or improved. We were told to send a validation letter. We dont know who to send it to for starters. He dont know when he opened the account, but it was was with Providian.. which was bought by chase apparently. The date on credit report shows opened in 2002. It shows 88 payments made as well. It was sold to a collection agency, Midland, last year. Providian is no where on the credit report, just chase and midland. Do we send it to chase, midland, providian, or all 3? Can we also ask for proof of payments and dates to verify the lates too?