Disputed Item on Credit Report

Submitted by asreyes8022 on Sun, 11/14/2010 - 00:12

I currently recived a bill from a collection agency referred from CitiBank. I have no accounts with CitiBank and have never recieved any kind of billing statements or correspondance from them for anything. So I ran a credit report and it said:
Account charged off. $621 written off. $345 past due.
I tried to call CitiCards, but because it was sent to an outside agency, they could not even find the account. (weird).
I disputed it through Experian and it has now been updated to read:
Account charged off. $0 written off. $345 past due.
I just went through my files and found an old receipt from Meineke that I had forgotten about. I had applied for a credit card through them, but nothing ever came in the mail, so I assumed I was not approved and filed the receipt away. I never recieved anything from them...no card, no statements, no emails....nothing.
I can't look up the account (I can see the account number on the bill from the collection agency) online because it needs the 3-digit security code on the card, which I obviously don't have.
I just want to be able to find out what happened with this and if there is any way for me to 1) find out why I never recieved the card if I was approved for it, 2) if I was approved, can get rid of any interest that accrued and just pay the initial balance, 3) get it wiped off my credit report as bad debt.
Note: in an effort to bring my credit score up, this year I became debt free by paying off a US Bank credit card, a car loan, and my school loans. This is shown on my report and from this, one could deduce that had I know about this card, I could have and would have easily paid this off as well.
Help please.