I just found this site and I have learned so much. But I have already got so many late payments on several accounts and debt settlements on those that I have paid off. How do I decide it if is worth paying off the other creditors in full with the Delete letters or just settle with them at a reduced rate and try to move forward? I have not several late payments on my mortgage with Central Mortgage but I have got that current. Is there anyway they would consider removing my late payments on my mortgage? I have 2 American Express cards that are over 2 yrs past due and they are trying to settle at 70% less ....does anyone know if they will do they allow the Delete letters to remove the negative remarks on my credit report?
Sorry I am so confused and always had excellent credits till 2 years ago when my spouses business was hit by the hard economy but is definitely in the recovery stage now. Also I have a lien from IRS on my report as well.
Please any help would be greatly appreciated.
OP.....just be very careful on the debt settlement co's. Not all co's are for everyone. Make sure you're not spending more money for fees, etc. than your debt actually is. ALOT of co's, like these, will ask for a bank account, etc., over the phone. My 'gut' feeling?..I wouldn't do that. I tried dealing with a debt consolidation co at one time. The "initial" payment was only suppose to be $99.00. However..they took twice that. When I asked them why, they stated "it was for unexpected items that may come up." If you go with a co like this, tell them you will send tem Money Orders, etc. If they refuse, then don't go with them. Just my advice to you.