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salary compression

Submitted by erb1953 on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 19:20

The recent tight labor market is forcing companies to pay top dollar for new recruits. Salaries consequently increase faster in the market than they do within a company. As a result, an employee of several years may be sitting next to a new employee who earns 10 to 20 percent more and performs the same job. This condition is known as salary compression.

do they enforce speed limits

Submitted by Dadummy on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 21:28

do you think they enforce speed limits enough i live in the country around a lot of little towns. we have had people killed by coal trucks going to fast apparently they dont learn from it because ive seen them still flying even where theres a memorial resurected. they dont seem to care. they even go through town about 40-50mph and the limit is 25 but i never see a cop stop one of them but i have seen them stop cars comeing through there a little fast and no it wasnt me who got stopped i just think the trucks would be a priority since so many people have been getting killed in this area.

what should the government do for seniors

Submitted by Dadummy on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 18:22

what do you think the goverment should do for the senior citizens i dont think they do enough to help older americans especially the ones who are on a really low fixed income . the cost this year alone on fuel will drive some of them into debt over thier budgets how are they suppose to pay for all the high cost.

Has anyone ever filed a civil suit

Submitted by Dadummy on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 18:16

has any one ever filed a civil suit? i need to do so but every one tells me that if they dont own any thing im just out the money i have to pay to file the civil suit. there should be better rules to collect on this. my suit is for rent of a mobile home the people finally left but vadelized the property before leaveing and i mean vandelized. they tore the ceiling blocks out and smashed the walls tore out light fixtures, and left feces in the commode and garbage everywhere inside and out.

Dismissing Chapter 13 - Reverting to Origina Status

Submitted by naomidog on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 00:57

I filed Chapter 13 18 months ago. My car loan repayment was part of the plan. I've paid off all but $200.00 of the secured loan, with $8k remaining as an unsecured debt. My car is now undriveable and I do not have the luxury of waiting 30 day to have the court approve my purchase of a vehicle. I asked my attorney what would happen to the car loan if I had the Chapter 13 dismissed and he said that things would revert to the way they were before I filed for bankruptcy. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Does that mean that I owe the $8k as part of a secured loan again.

what do you thin k of restoreing history?

Submitted by Dadummy on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 19:01

what do you think of restoreing history momoralia?
i think it si a important part of our society to restore the history of our country but there are very few people who really get into it. if there was preserved parts from the past we would know alot more about our country. i think it should be more emphasized in schools more trips to the historic societies and museums might imspire our youth for the future.

old fashion recipe for something differant

Submitted by Dadummy on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 18:35

heres an old fashion recipe

cook six potatoes sliced, 2 sliced onions, a stalk of celery and add seasonings as desired cook until almost cooked and add dumplings cook 20 minutes and remove put in oven at 350 or 400 for another 20-25 minutes and enjoy.

dumplings are just bisquick and milk.
for variation you can spice up your dumplings by adding things like ham sausage peporoni, cheeze over top and so on it never ends just keep expiermenting. and enjoy